Persuasion Over the Web
Bacon ipsum dolor amet jowl andouille pork loin, tongue swine tenderloin pastrami meatloaf landjaeger. Drumstick bacon ground round tenderloin porchetta burgdoggen. Shank pork belly cupim, t-bone doner beef ribs ground round tenderloin landjaeger chicken picanha pig.
In Person: 3 hours in four parts, plus 45 minutes in breaks.
Live Online: 3 hours in two parts over one week.
For Your Team
Interested in training a team of six or more people? We’ll work with you to understand their needs, optimize group sizes (for large teams) and coordinate schedules.
$3,900 for up to six people
For Individuals
Beginning in Q2 2025, we will offer individual seats in publicly scheduled courses. Let us know you’re interested so we can reach out to you when we launch this program.
$650 per person

- Overview
- Agenda
Brad, I’m working on this currently..